Research Suggests That A Higher Fat Diet May Improve Cartilage Repair

A new study published by Wiley (UK) conflicts with the common wisdom that high fat diets hurt cartilage repair.

The study was done differently than other studies, for the simple reason that these researchers used mice that actually had cartilage repair capabilities, unlike previous studies.

The study found that in mice that...

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Be Warned: Medicines Are ‘Natural Remedies’

A well-known fact about medications is that you don’t just take two at once, because they interact with each other. What is not as well-known is that over the counter drugs and natural remedies do so as well.

A statement has been released by the American Heart Association warning people to...

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Studies Find That Magnesium Deficiencies Lead To Hypertension

A large number of studies have been conducted with intent to prove what medical scientists have found, that magnesium is a vital element in ensuring that veins do not overly constrict themselves, which the direct cause of high blood pressure.

Unfortunately, many of these studies were rendered irrelevant due to low...

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Rhythmic Music A Medical Assist, And A Mental One

We all know that music makes us feel better, but now it seems that it actually makes you better.

An increasingly large number of doctors are recommending that patients listen to rhythmic music to both make them feel better and, more importantly, to regulate harmfully irregular patterns.

The use of music to...

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Study Shows That ‘Unhealthy’ Nutrients Aren’t All That Unhealthy

A study recently published in PLOS ONE shows that saturated fats don’t necessarily hurt your heart.

The study was founded on the idea that people do not absorb their nutrients as raw minerals but as food, as a conglomerate of nutrients that the body refines and reorients for its own use.


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Study Confirms That Omega Three Is A Lifesaver

A new study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that having high levels of omega three in the blood can lower the risk of a fatal heart attack by as much as twenty five percent.

What renders this study different from others is the fact that it...

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Tea Is Bad For You

Yes, you read that right. Tea is bad for you.
Or, at least regular black tea is, with its high levels of tannin, which, incidentally, is what gives the tea its color.
Of course, it isn’t that simple. See, tannin is a poison that plants produce to kill bugs that would attack...

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Study Shows That Alcohol Actually Increases The Risk For Stroke

A new study by the BMJ shows that while a moderate amount of drinking will decrease the risk of a heart attack, this comes at the cost of increasing the risk of arterial fibrillation.

What sets this study apart from other studies is that it studies hospital records in specific regions,...

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Study Says, Eat More Olive Oil

A new study out of the University of Barcelona shows that eating a low fat diet is less effective than eating a Mediterranean diet with a lot of olive oil.

The study operated by having three large groups of older patients experiment with different diets: low-fat, Mediterranean with nuts, and Mediterranean...

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The Backbone Of The Industry

The most important industry in this country, and by far the largest, is the healthcare industry. Not the insurance industry, the healthcare industry. The reasons for this are largely self-understood, as there is nothing quite as important to us as our health, and the health of those around us.

Of course,...

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